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Official League Rules

Official Rules and Guide

Lincroft Flag Football League


**Please keep in mind that league officials may edit or alter this rulebook prior to the start of play each season. Things such as grade level/division alignment and players on the field are subject to change based on enrollment numbers.


A. Organization:

  1. Lincroft Flag Football will consist of four divisions:

A. Pee Wee - Grades K-1
B. Juniors – Grades 2-3
C. Intermediate – Grades 4-6
D. Seniors – Grades 7-9

**This could change depending on enrollment numbers**

  1. The Club will sanction a schedule of games.
  2. There are no height or weight limits on participants.
  3. The Club will maintain insurance coverage which will include provisions for participant risks.

B. Participants:

  1. Maximum of nine (9) players on the field.
  2. Minimum of seven (7) players on the field.
  3. All participants will be required to play equal time. Each player must touch the ball at least one time per game during the regular season.
  4. Coaches on the field:
  1. Pee Wee Division - 2 coaches permitted on the field.
  2. Junior Division – 2 coaches permitted on the field.
  3. Intermediate – 1 coach permitted on the field.
  4. Seniors – No coaches permitted on the field.

C. Playing Field:

  1. Field Size for Senior, Intermediate, and Junior divisions will be 40 yards wide x 80 yards long – goal line to goal line. End zones will be 10 yards deep. Pee Wee division will play on a 40 yards wide x 60 yards long – goal line to goal line size field.

Note: Club may, at its discretion, modify field dimensions.

  1. The field will be marked off in 10 yd. increments.
  2. Goal posts are unnecessary as point after touchdowns will occur either running or passing the ball into the end zone.
  3. A down marker will be used to indicate the distance required to achieve the first down.
  4. First down markers will be used to indicate the distance required to achieve the first down.
  5. The end zones, sidelines and yard lines will be appropriately marked or indicated by the use of soft pylon markers.

D. Equipment:

  1. The ball size will be determined by the NFL Flag league.
  2. Each participant must wear a belt with two (2) flags. Flags will be securely fixed to the belt but must be of tear away design.
  3. Flags (2) must hang freely from the participant. Any participant with only one (1) flag becomes ineligible to handle the ball and will earn an immediate whistle at the spot of the flag dropped. If a receiver loses his/her flag while running the route, the ball will be dead where it was caught.
  4. All participants must wear the same color jersey.
  5. Jerseys must be tucked in.
  6. Sneakers or rubber cleated shoes are the only acceptable footwear that can be worn during a game.
  7. Non-shattering lens design eyeglasses may be worn; additionally, contact lenses may be worn.
  8. No padding of any sort will be worn.
  9. No jewelry, watches or anything deemed inappropriate by the referee will be worn.
  10. No baseball caps can be worn, but ski caps are allowed.

E. Referees:

  1. There will be at least two (2) referees per game for Junior, Intermediate and Senior divisions.
  2. Referees will carry yellow flags to signal a rule infraction.
  3. The referees will maintain the official game time.

F. Players:

  1. The free substitution rule will be used. Player can enter a game at any time when the ball is dead.
  2. Once a player is removed from the game due to injury, the player must sit out at least one play.
  3. Any player who sustains a head injury, must sit on the sideline until it is determined by the parent AND commissioner that the player can return to play.
  4. Players/Teams can choose to huddle or go without a huddle.

G. Time:

  1. Game times will be 60 minutes, two (2) 30 minute halves for all divisions. 
  2. There will be a five (5) minute half time.
  3. Injuries will stop the clock for 2 minutes in all divisions, however, the ref may increase the allotted time at his/her discretion
  4. Timeouts
    1. ONLY during the playoffs will Time Outs stop the game clock (outside of 2 minutes).
    2. There will be three (3) timeouts per team, per half. Each time out will be 30 seconds in length and the standard play clock will begin after the 30 second timeout.
  5. After PAT
    1. The clock will stop for 10 seconds until the ball is spotted for the next teams drive
  6. Clock Stoppage rules under 2 minutes
    1. Clock stops under 2 minutes when the following happens:
      1. Incomplete pass
      2. Timeout
      3. Injury
      4. Player running out of bounds
      5. Spike
      6. Until the chains are set on a first down
      7. Scoring play (the game clock does NOT run in between a TD and PAT or during a PAT)
    2. Regular season
      1. First half-Clock only stops under two minutes in the Intermediate and Senior divisions
      2. Second half-Clock stops under two minutes in ALL divisions
    3. Playoffs
      1. The clock will stop under two minutes in BOTH halves for ALL divisions
    4. The clock will begin when the ball is snapped
  7. Play clock:
  1. Pee Wee and Junior divisions will have 45 seconds to put the ball into play.
  2. Intermediates & Seniors will have 30 seconds to put the ball into play.

H. Kickoffs/Drive start:

There will be no kick offs in any division. Play will start:

  1. Pee Wee Division - 20 yard line (Shortened field)
  2. Junior & Inter. Divisions – 30 yard line
  3. Senior Division - 20 yard line

I. Punting:

  1. The offensive team may punt at anytime provided the Team Captain or Coach informs the referee.
  2. A punt will be marked off thirty (30) yards from the current spot of the ball.
  3. If Punting from inside or on the 30 yard line, the ball will be automatically placed at the 5 yard line.

J. Downs:

  1. Each team will be allowed a series of four (4) downs to advance the ball 10 yards or score a touchdown.
  2. Upon advancing the ball ten (10) yards, the team will be given another series of downs to either advance the ball for another first down or score a touchdown. This will continue until the team scores or fails to advance the ball ten (10) yards. If a team fails to advance the call for a first down after a series of downs, it will lose possession of the ball to the opposing team at the point the ball was declared dead.
  3. When the offensive team has the ball within the opposing team’s ten (10) yard line, it will be first and goal.
  4. After every down, the ball will be placed in the center of the field with the forward part of the ball placed at the yardage location the ball was declared dead.

K. Deflagging/Defense:

  1. No tackling of the ball carrier or passer is allowed. Holding or pushing the player with the ball, for reasons of removing the flag, is a penalty.
  2. Flagrant or abusive touching of the head or face, by a defensive player, while attempting to remove a flag, will be considered a penalty.
  3. The play will be called dead when a player having possession of the ball has a single flag removed from the waist belt.
  4. A defensive player may push a blocker sideways should the blocker get by him; however, the defensive player cannot push the blocker down.
  5. No pushing the runner out of bounds; a penalty will be called.
  6. Defensive players must go for the flag.
  7. You must have 4 Defensive Lineman including one line up over the TE - he/she can drop into zone or play man to man on the TE. 
  8. Defensive Lineman lined up over the OL cannot drop into coverage - the "DL" lined up over the TE can.
  9. Defensive players cannot predict run and rush into the backfield until the ball is touched by the offensive player
  10. Defensive players cannot intercept a toss/pitch. The play will be blown dead and an early rush penalty will be called on the defense.
  11. No press coverage

L. Blocking:

  1. *** There will be no engagement or blocking on the line until after 5 seconds is counted by the referee unless the Quarterback leaves the pocket or it is a run play***
  2. Blockers must remain on their feet at all times and players on line must line up shoulder to shoulder.
  3. Cross or body blocks, as well as butting or elbowing, are not allowed.
  4. Blocking or pushing the person in possession of the ball out of bounds is prohibited.
  5. Blocking from behind is not permitted.
  6. Defensive rush of the offensive line can occur after a 5 second delay. A second countdown will be done loudly and clearly by the referee. The five (5) second rule to rush the passer does not apply once the quarterback rolls out either side beyond the width of the original LOS - outside shoulder of the interior linemen (not the Def ends). The five (5) second rule does not apply for an obvious running play, including hand-offs and pitchouts. Players cannot predict a run and intercept a toss play. The referee’s decision in all cases is final.

M. Ball Carrier:

  1. ***No running plays up the middle all running plays must be run outside the designated lineman***
  2. The ball carrier cannot use hands or arms to protect the flag.
  3. The ball carrier cannot lower his head to drive or run into a defensive player.
  4. Stiff arming is illegal. Only one (1) spin per run. The second spin is a penalty.
  5. Run plays that are meant to go outside but the running back cuts back on his own accord is allowed and not a penalty under the "no running up the middle" rule (Sect M-Rule 1)

N. Center/Formations:

  1. The ball must be snapped between the legs.
  2. The center’s feet must be on the line of scrimmage with no part of the body beyond the forward point of the ball.
  3. There must be four (4) offensive linemen; center, two (2) guards and a tight end. (tight end is an eligible receiver)
  4. Offensive linemen cannot be more than an arm’s length from each other when lined up and before the play.
  5. There is no motion offense.
  6. Shotgun formations are acceptable.
  7. There Must be 5 players along the LOS (including WRs)

O. Passing:

  1. All backfield players are eligible receivers.
  2. Passing can only be attempted from behind the line of scrimmage.
  3. A lateral pass is thrown parallel to the line of scrimmage or back towards the offensive team’s own goal. The lateral pass is not considered a forward pass.
  4. Only one (1) forward pass per play.

P. Receiving:

  1. All players, with the exception of the three (3) interior linemen, are eligible to receive forward passes.
  2. Receptions are considered complete if at least one (1) foot of the receiver is in bounds at the time the ball is caught.
  3. Two or more receivers may touch the ball in succession resulting in a completed pass.
  4. If an offensive and defensive player catches the ball simultaneously, the ball is declared dead and the offensive team is awarded the ball at the spot of the reception.
  5. Offensive players cannot step out of bounds and then back in bounds to catch a pass(unless forced out of bounds by defender). This will be considered an incomplete pass.

Q. Dead Ball:

  1. The ball carrier touches the ground with his body, other than his hands or feet. In this situation, the play is blow dead and the clock continues.
  2. When a flag has been removed, the play is blown dead and the clock continues.
  3. If the person in possession of the ball has a flag missing- the play is blown dead and the ball carrier is down where they catch/receive the ball. The play counts and the clock will run.
  4. When the ball goes out of bounds on a fumble, the clock will run unless the player goes out of bounds before losing the ball. If the player does go out of bounds, the clock stoppage/2 min rules for the divisions will apply.
  5. Following a PAT attempt, the clock will stop until the ball is spotted for the next teams drive.
  6. If the center snap hits the ground, it is a loss of down (senior and intermediate divisions). The clock will stop if under 2 minutes. EXCEPTION: Pee Wee and Junior Divisions (Replay the down)
  7. When the ball hits the ground because of a fumble, the play is blown dead. There are no fumble recoveries in the league. In the event of a fumble, the offensive team will keep possession of the ball at the spot where the carrier lost the ball. (Unless it was 4th down and a 1st down was NOT achieved BEFORE the fumble. The ball will be spotted and continue to run on a fumble.
  8. If a lateral pass touches the ground (fumble – See Q-7)
  9. If a forward pass strikes the ground (incomplete pass) the clock will stop if under 2 minutes in either half for Seniors and Intermediates. For Pee Wee and Juniors it will only stop the clock during the final 2 minutes of the game during the regular season or under 2 minutes in either half during the playoffs.
  10. If the ball is caught at the same time by a player of both teams, the offense will be awarded the ball. The play is blown dead, the ball will be spotted at the spot of the simultaneous catch and the clock will continue to run.

R. Scoring Values:

Touchdown = 6 points

Safety = 2 points


Passing = 2 point (note: pass needs to be thrown into end zone for 2 points)

Running = 1 point.

S. Lopsided Rule:

  1. Any time team A is ahead of Team B by 24 points, Team B will be awarded the ball at mid-field and will continue to possess the ball until the point difference is less than 24 points. ***Exception is in playoffs where the Mercy rule is 35 points***

T. Ties:

  1. In the event of a tie, the following rules will apply:
  1. Regular season game: The game ends in a tie.
  2. Playoff game: College rules will apply. Each team will be given the ball from the 20 yard line and given the opportunity to score along with a PAT attempt. A first down can be achieved by passing the 10 yard line. A coin toss will determine who will go first. OT will continue until a winner is declared. Teams will alternate with who goes first with each OT period.

U. Infractions:

  1. When a penalty is greater than half the distance to the goal line, the penalty will be half the distance to the goal line.
  2. Conduct
    1. Wearing flags illegally (after warnings) or intentionally wearing one flag
      1. 10 yards
    2. Defender intentionally pulling flags in an attempt to make a player ineligible
      1. 15 yards
    3. Disqualified player entering the game
      1. 15 yards
    4. Substitution while ball is in play or before being declared dead
      1. 15 yards
    5. Unsportsmanlike conduct by player or coach
      1. 15 yards marked against the offending team and warning given
      2. Second offense can result in removal from the game and further suspensions
      3. Third offense can result in removal from the league
    6. Team supporters(sideline) Interference with game, abusive language, fighting, etc.
      1. 15 yards marked against the offending team and warning given
      2. Second offense can result in removal from the fields
      3. Third offense can result in a permanent ban from the fields
    7. Unnecessary roughness/Fighting by player
      1. 15 yards from the spot of the foul and a warning
      2. Define as throwing a punch, intentionally trying to injure another player, throwing players to the ground
      3. A second offense of this nature disqualifies the player from the game. Situations of this nature will be brought the commissioner. The player will remain disqualified until the commissioner agrees to allow the player back to play.
  3. LOS Penalties
    1. False Start
      1. Play is blown dead and 5 yards is marked off against the offense
    2. Offsides (offense or defense)
      1. Offense
        1. Play continues
        2. If accepted, 5 yards is marked off against the offense
        3. Can be declined
      2. Defense
        1. Play continues
        2. If accepted, 5 yards is marked against the defense
        3. Can be declined
    3. Delay of game
      1. Play is blown dead and 5 yards is marked off against the offense
    4. Illegal formation
      1. Play continues
      2. If accepted, 5 yards is marked against the offense
      3. Can be declined
    5. Illegal snap or snap to an ineligible player
      1. 10 yards
    6. Too many men on the field
      1. Play continues
      2. If accepted, 5 yards is marked against the offending team
      3. Can be declined
  4. Passing
    1. Illegal Forward Pass
      1. Play continues
      2. If accepted, 10 yards is marked against the offending team
      3. Can be declined
    2. Intentional Grounding
      1. 10 yards
    3. Defensive Pass Interference:
      1. At the discretion of the referee, a defensive player face guards, pushes, holds or otherwise interferes with, in the judgment of the referee, a catchable ball by the offensive player, defensive pass interference will be called.
      2. automatic first down at the point of infraction or the one (1) yard line, if defensive pass interference occurs in the end zone.
    4. Offensive Pass Interference
      1. The defensive player has equal rights to the ball. Any attempts by the offensive player to interfere with the defender attempting an interception, in discretion of the referee, will be deemed offensive interference.
      2. 10 yard penalty from the line of scrimmage, replay the down
  5. Running
    1. Stiff arm
      1. 10 yards from the spot of the foul
    2. Flag guarding
      1. 10 yards from the spot of the foul
    3. Two spins or more
      1. 5 yards from the spot of the foul(second spin)
    4. Use of elbows, arms, shoulders, or head
      1. 10 yards from the spot of the foul
    5. Forward lateral
      1. 10 yards from the spot of the foul
    6. Diving
      1. Warning for the first offense
      2. Second offense results in a 10 yard penalty from the spot of the foul
  6. Blocking
    1. Holding
      1. 10 yards from the spot of the foul
    2. Illegal use of hands-hands to the face
      1. 10 yards from the spot of the foul
    3. Elbowing/butting
      1. 10 yards from the spot of the foul
    4. Block in the back
      1. 10 yards from the spot of the foul
      2. No infraction if it takes place behind the LOS
    5. Clipping (block below the waist)
      1. 10 yards from the spot of the foul ANYWHERE on the field
  7. De-flagging/Defense
    1. Tackling
      1. 10 yards will be added to the run
    2. Holding-grabbing uniform to pull the opposing players flag
      1. 10 yards
    3. Early Rush
      1. Play continues
      2. If accepted, 5 yards is marked against the defense
      3. Can be declined
    4. Pushing the ball carrier/player out of bounds
      1. 10 yards added to the end of the run
    5. Illegal use of hands-hands to the face
      1. 10 yards from the spot of the foul

V. Pee Wee Division Rules:

Pee Wee Rules

Grades K-1 - **Standard League rules still apply**


  • 7 on 7 – Minimum of TWO players on the LOS for the offense - a TE who is eligible to catch a pass and 1 center who is NOT eligible to catch a pass – defense must have one DL.
  • Offense MUST have at least 1 player on each side of the Center (WRs 5 yards away)
  • We will use the same penalty and yardage rules as the rest of the league
  • Drives will start at the teams own 20
  • Field is 60 by 40 yards with two 10 yard endzones
  • 2 coaches allowed on the field
  • EVERY player must touch the ball at least once and play equal time during the regular season



  • No Run zone - Inside 5 yard line (going into endzone)
  • NO QB runs, all running plays must be outside handoffs or tosses. (QB is considered ANYONE who takes the snap)
  • WRs must be 5 yards or more away from the center
  • NO Blocking is allowed
  • Ball may be snapped through legs or from the side in shotgun or under center
  • No fumbles
  • TE must be attached to Center
  • If the snap hits the ground, play can continue unless it destroys the play (refs discretion) in which case the down will be replayed.



  • Defense can rush the passer AFTER a 5 second count (done by Ref). QB CANNOT advance the ball but can scramble and throw.
  • Interceptions are a change of possession and the defending team can score (except on PATs)
  • You may have 5 players MAX across the LOS(not including the DT who is on the LOS). 
  • Those 5 players must be 3 yards off of the LOS with a safety playing 5 yards behind them(can be in the middle of the field)
  • Players who are 3 yards off of the LOS must be separated by a minimum of 3 yards from each other.
  •  The only players allowed in the "box" are the DT(on LOS) and the guy covering the TE. There is no stacking the box to stop the run. 
  •  Defense cannot enter the backfield until the ball is touched by the runner. 
  •  The outside defenders must be lined up in front of the WR that is out there. If there is no WR out there, the player must be lined up at least 3 yards from the closest defender.



  • 6 for a touchdown
  • PAT---coaches discretion to go for 1 or 2 ---MUST BE A FORWARD PASS – NO HANDOFFS
    • 1 point from the 2 yard line
    • 2 point from the 5 yard line
  • 2 pts for a safety



  • 5 minute half time
  • Two 30 minute halves
  • Clock will run continuously until under 2 minutes left in the game where clock will stop for incomplete passes, out of bounds, etc.
  • 45 second play clock
  • Timeouts will only stop the clock in the final two minutes of the game. Outside of that two minutes, all they will do is pause the playclock for 30 seconds so you can get your team ready.
  • Game clock will stop for TWO minutes for an injury
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